How Account Intelligence can Elevate your Sales

An increasing number of organizations are finding greater value in targeted marketing and sales than the traditional methods of earning prospects. Most sales representatives and marketers are now struggling to identify the correct prospect but lack insight into business goals and pain areas. As a result, sales outreach and other account-based initiatives fail.


Effective targeting requires going through the target company and the organization’s structure, the business goals of the company, and the easiest ways to reach them. This helps sales representatives customize their pitches and position the products and services in line with the requirements of the prospective clients. This process of analyzing the business requirements of the target companies in order to offer a reliable value proposition is called account intelligence.

 How does account intelligence boost sales of your business?

 Here’s how account intelligence helps to reinvent each step of your entire sales pipeline:

  1. Helps to know your prospect

Knowing your profile before you approach them always leads to better results as it builds a great connection that can turn into sales. Account intelligence utilizes the power of Artificial Intelligence and collects data and presents it in such a manner that is accessible and understandable to all. It provides insights that can help you get a data-driven and comprehensive view of your prospects. 

  1. Peer intelligence

 With a large amount of data in your hand, you can now convert it into valuable insight that can be helpful for you to earn a prospect. Peer intelligence or customer analysis is all about making a thorough study of how your competitors are doing in the market. If you do not analyze the competition you might lose a perfect way of earning your target. You have to find out what strategies they are applying to win leads. 

  1. Exploring digital opportunities

The account intelligence solution also helps to track your prospect's digital initiative, as this helps you visualize the technology that you will require for executing your business goals and helping your sales team to build tailor-made solutions for meeting the customer's requirement. With AI power suggestions, your sales team can identify the potential of technology for understanding the prospect's pain points. Exploring digital opportunities will enable the sales team to craft pitches and deliver the client's needs. 

  1. Tracking the prospect deal

 Deal intelligence is also a part of the account intelligence solution that unlocks a 360-degree view into the outsourcing pattern of the clients that helps the same in understanding the nature of the deal and approach them with offers that are actually better than the existing ones. This helps you in tracking the outsourcing footprints of the prospects with a complete insight into their characteristics and the deals. Find out the areas where the prospects are actively seeking outsourcing patterns and understand why they are looking for it and then only go for offering relevant outsourcing solutions customized to their location, technology, and other ecosystems.

 Wrapping it up 

Account intelligence can show the persistent gaps in the new business opportunities and offerings for the companies that you wish to target. This, therefore, helps the sales and marketing team to formulate effective strategies that attract prospective clients and know the competition. 

Being one of the reputed account intelligence service providers, we understand the specific needs of the prospects and with our end-to-end account intelligence solution, our experts create the perfect sales pitch. If you want to increase your sales and marketing performance through our account intelligence solutions? Talk to our experts today.


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